

[单选] 传统企业主模型属于()。

A . 年金策略
B . 杠铃策略
C . 非典型年金策略
D . 非典型杠铃策略

DNS域名解析的方法主要有(),()和()。 监管员做账,在手工账出现错误的时候,只需在错误处划线更正,并签字即可。 Battens are fitted in cargo holds across the frames of the vessel from the turn of the bilge upward. The purpose of these cargo battens is(). for securing a snatch block when snaking cargo into the wings of the hold。 to prevent cargo from coming in contact with the vessel's frames or shell plating。 to provide fittings to which cargo lashings may be secured。 to support the dunnage floors which are laid down between tiers of cargo。 自管库业务,监管物与非监管物应分开码放或按照货位进行管理,保证监管物的特定性,做到账、卡、物三相符。 域名空间由()和()两部分组成。 传统企业主模型属于()。



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