

[问答题] 安装ADSL对设备有哪些要求?

提示安全色的颜色为()。 ["红色","绿色","蓝色","黄色"] 开立校园卡申请人应提供哪些证件()。 ["高校、高中在校学生学生证","本人有效身份证件","或高考毕业生凭省内高校录取通知书及本人有效身份证件","高中录取通知书"] 提示安全色的对比颜色为()。 ["黑色","绿色","白色","红色"] 主卡卡内可关联下列哪些账户()。 ["一个活期结算账户","一个定期一卡通主账户","多个零存整取账户","一个活期储蓄账户"] One method of determining crankshaft misalignment is by() ["laying a straight edge across the crank webs at the crankpin and measuring the distance to the crankpin in two places","measuring the crank drop on either side of each crank throw while the crankshaft is slowly rotated through one revolution","rotating the crankshaft through one revolution, pausing each 90oof rotation to measure bearing clearances, top and bottom","taking micrometer reading between the crank cheeks opposite the crankpin every 90°of crank angle rotatio"] 安装ADSL对设备有哪些要求?



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