

[单选] The integrated logistics activities, equipment and information network and so on, is called ()

A . logistics integration
B . logistics industry
C . logistics center
D . logistics park

()links all suppliers and customers as a chain in a certain product and service. contract  。 Business agreement 。 supply chain  。 network。 商业银行应审慎尽责地管理投资组合,建立投资资产的全程跟踪评估机制,同时要充分评估资产组合可能发生的流动性风险,实现每个理财产品与所投资产的相对应,做到每个产品()。 单独管理。 单独交易。 单独核算。 单独建账。 单独保存。 最符合理财业务特征的理财产品是()。 保本浮动收益理财产品。 保证收益理财产品。 个人理财产品。 非保本浮动收益理财产品。 ()has three parts: warehouse, night story shelf and stacker. Multi-story warehouse  。 Automatic Multi-story warehouse。 stereo-style warehouse  。 stereoscopic warehouse。 ()is the environmental process to collect, sort, transport and bury or incinerate waste goods environmental logistics   。 waste material logistics。 returned logistics     。 recycle。 The integrated logistics activities, equipment and information network and so on, is called ()



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