

[单选] In the 17th century,the English government encouraged people from Scotland and Northern England to emigrate to the north of Ireland because()

A . they wanted to increase its control over Ireland
B . they had too many people and didn’t have enough space for them to live in Britain
C . they intended to expand their investment
D . they believed that Ireland was the best place for them

事物运动的方向不包括() 背景方向。 角色方向。 风的方向。 道路方向。 简述受权理事中双重角色的含义。 公民可以向()提起行政诉讼。 政府。 党委。 检察院。 法院。 衬砌混凝土外观缺陷检测时裂缝宽度检测一般采用()。 超声波。 游标卡尺。 塞尺。 雷达。 刻度放大镜。 反映警务及其活动过程的全部信息称作()。 In the 17th century,the English government encouraged people from Scotland and Northern England to emigrate to the north of Ireland because()



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