

[名词解释] 城市社会学

Given: What is the result?() [" Compilation succeeds.","Compilation fails due to multiple errors.","Compilation fails due to an error only on line 20.","Compilation fails due to an error only on line 21.","Compilation fails due to an error only on line 22.","Compilation fails due to an error only on line 12."] 加权申请表 小章和小胡是中学的同班同学,又来自相邻的山村,还属表亲。高中毕业那年,两人几乎以同样优秀的成绩考进了同一所本科院校。进大学以后,小章的学业成绩仍然优秀,小胡在大一时却出现了多门不及格,在留级线上挣扎的现象。要解决小胡的学习后进问题,教师可以在()等方面作努力。 ["指导小胡进行学习结果的归因","利用直接发生途径和间接转化途径培养学习需要","联系家长,施加压力","组织实施启发式教学"] Your organization decided to upgrade the existing Oracle 10g database to Oracle 11g database in a multiprocessor environment. At the end of the upgrade, you observe that the DBA executes the following script: SQL> @utlrp.sql What is the significance of executing this script?() [" It performs parallel recompilation of only the stored PL\/SQL code."," It performs sequential recompilation of only the stored PL\/SQL code."," It performs parallel recompilation of any stored PL\/SQL as well as Java code."," It performs sequential recompilation of any stored PL\/SQL as well as Java code."] 由于各种原因使结果与预期发生背离而导致的利益损失的可能性就是() ["风险","危机","灾害","效果"] 城市社会学



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