

[多选] 属于回族人民饮食的有

A . A、馕
B . B、牛羊肉夹馍
C . C、白水鸡
D . D、松饼
E . E、泡菜

维吾尔族的节日有 A、肉孜节。 B、芦笙节。 C、古尔邦节。 D、回婚节。 E、回甲节。 苗族主要分布在 A、湖北。 B、河南。 C、云南。 D、贵州。 E、湖南。 Questions from 31 to 35 are based on the following passage: Questions from 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:。   The exporter, as drawer of a draft (bill of exchange), hands the draft to his bank, the remitting bank, who in turn forwards it to the buyer through a collecting bank in the buyer’s country. A draft (also called a bill) is a written order to a bank or a customer to pay someone on demand or at a fixed time in the future a certain sum of money. If shipping documents accompany the draft, the collection is called “documentary collection.”。   Documentary collection falls into two major categories: one is documents against payment(D/P); the other, documents against acceptance (D/A).。   Documents against payment, as the term suggests, is that the collecting bank will only give the shipping documents representing the title to the goods on the condition that the buyer makes payment.。   Where the paying arrangement is D/A, the collecting bank will only give the buyer the shipping documents after buyer’s acceptance of the bill drawn on him, i.e. the buyer signs his name on the bill promising to pay the sum when it matures. In return he gets what he needs – the shipping documents.。   Under D/A, the seller gives up the title to the goods – shipping documents before he gets payment of the goods. Therefore, an exporter must think twice before he accepts such paying arrangement.。 蒙古族的文学作品有 A、《江格尔》。 B、《蒙古秘史》。 C、《十二木卡姆》。 D、《丹珠尔》。 E、《格萨尔王传》。 下列关于诈骗罪的说法中,正确的有()。 骗取手段通常是捏造客观上不存在的事实,由此骗取被害人的信任。 行为人可能在部分事实的基础上夸大渲染,扩大事实行骗。 C行为人也可能对受害人掩盖事实,使之陷入错误。 D受害人通常表现为“自愿”地交付财物。 属于回族人民饮食的有
参考答案: B, C



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