

[单选] Because of the close tolerances used in diesel engine fuel oil pumps, a worn plunger requires()

A . grinding the spare plunger to the barrel
B . replacing the plunger and the barrel
C . highly polishing both the plunger and barrel
D . replacing plunger only

上层建筑的作用是什么? 受理贴现及转贴现交易后系统联动登记贴现登记簿。 电液调节系统中转速给定和负荷给定各有什么作用?为什么设置转速给定值形成模块? 什么是甲板室? 碱―石灰烧结法和拜耳法生产氧化铝需要哪些主要原料? Because of the close tolerances used in diesel engine fuel oil pumps, a worn plunger requires()
参考答案: B



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