

[多选] 认股权证的要素包括()。

A . 普通股的市价
B . 认股价格
C . 认股期限
D . 换股比例
E . 认购数量

二类防雷建筑物利用建筑物的钢筋作为防雷装置时,单根钢筋或圆钢或外引预埋连接板、线与上述钢筋的连接应() 焊接、螺栓紧固的卡央器连接。 焊接、绑扎法连接。 螺栓紧固的卡夹器连接、绑扎法连接。 绑扎法连、压接。 烹调的基本功包括哪些? When transferring survivors from an enclosed lifeboat to a rescue vessel,personnel on board the boat should(). remove their life preservers to make it easier to climb on board the rescue vessel。 climb on top of the boat while waiting for their turn to transfer to the rescue vessel。 remain seated inside and make the transfer one person at a time。 enter the water and swim over to the rescue vessel。 When operating the air supply system in a covered lifeboat the(). fuel supply valve should be closed。 hatches,doors,and oar ports should be closed。 air cylinder shut-off valve should be closed。 engine should be shut off。 电力企业的销售收入主要是电费收入。 认股权证的要素包括()。



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