


Click the Exhibit button. What is the maximum allowable loss budget between the ONS 15216 Mux (left side) composite output and the ONS 15216 Demux (right side) composite input, with the optical values given in the exhibit? ()(Assume the worst case loss of 4.5 dB for 15216 200 GHz Mux/Demux and ignore power penalties or extra margin.)

A . 15dB
B . 17dB
C . 21dB
D . 26dB
E . 27dB

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Click the Exhibit button. What is the maximum allowable loss budget between the ONS 15216 Mux (left side) composite output and the ONS 15216 Demux (right side) composite input, with the optical values given in the exhibit? ()(Assume the worst case loss of 4.5 dB for 15216 200 GHz Mux/Demux and ignore power penalties or extra margin.)




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