

[问答题] 阐述房地产价格及其影响因素。

基站年检的内容包括对基站载频发射功率、()和2M传输时隙的检查测试 ["天馈线性能指标","合路器发射功率","主控板数据"] A Channel ID mismatch occurs when (). [" fibers are terminated incorrectly on a node"," the channel number in the received K1 byte is not identical to the channel number transmitted in the K2 byte"," the channel number in the received C1 byte is not identical to the channel number transmitted in the C2 byte"," the channel number in the received C2 byte is not identical to the channel number transmitted in the C1 byte"," the channel number in the received K2 byte is not identical to the channel number transmitted in the K1 byte"] 选用润滑剂的基本条件 颈推牵引位于() ["牵引的角度与躯干轴成20°~30°夹角","牵引的角度与躯干轴成25°~30°夹角","牵引的角度与躯干轴成20°~35°夹角","牵引的角度与躯干轴成25°~45°夹角","牵引的角度与躯干轴成35°~45°夹角"] 患者,女性,30岁,甲状腺大部分切除术后5h,出现进行性呼吸困难,烦躁不安,发绀。体检发现颈部增粗,切口有血液渗出。考虑患者发生了“呼吸困难”并发症。该患者发生呼吸困难并发症的原因是() ["气管塌陷","痰液阻塞","双侧喉返神经损伤","切口内血肿压迫","喉头水肿"] 阐述房地产价格及其影响因素。



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