

[单选] 煤气管道冷凝液水封槽一般水封高度≥()

A . 2米
B . 1米
C . 1.2米
D . 1.6米

虚拟培训组织成为了企业培训部门发展的另一种趋势。 Without()to the foregoing,every such servant,agent and subcontractor shall have the benefit of all provisions contained herein benefiting the carrier as if such provisions were expressly for their benefit; and in entering into this contract,the carrier,to the extent of those provisions does so not only on its own behalf,but also as agent and trustee for such servants,agents and sub-contractors. damage。 injury。 break。 prejudice。 培训需求分析一般从组织、任务、人员三个层析去着手。 影响培训需求的因素有常规因素和非常规因素。 简述虾维生素C缺乏病的防治方法。 煤气管道冷凝液水封槽一般水封高度≥()



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