

[单选] 满堂脚手架搭设高度超过12m时,在脚手架的周边和内部纵向、横向间隔不超过()m应设置连续竖向剪刀撑。

A . 4
B . 6
C . 8
D . 10

A survey of refrigerated cargo,to certify that proper methods of stowage were utilized,can be conducted by the(). CCS。 Occupational Safety and Health Administration。 MSA OF CHINA。 CCIC。 如果压力容器的选材不当,即使容器具有足够的壁厚,也可能在使用条件下,或者由于材料韧性()而发生脆性破裂,或者由于工作介质对材料的腐蚀而发生()。 降低;脆性破裂。 上升;脆性破裂。 降低;腐蚀破裂。 上升;腐蚀破裂。 On most modern diesel engines, the main and connecting rod bearings receive their lubricating oil by (). banjo feed。 splash feed。 gravity feed。 pressure feed。 The main function of tie rods in the construction of large, low speed diesel engines is to(). stiffen the bedplate in way of the main bearings to increase the engines longitudinal strength。 accept most of the tensile loading that results from the firing forces developed during operation。 mount the engine frame securely to the hull to prevent shaft coupling misalignment。 connect the crosshead solidly to the piston rod。 压力容器的受压元件大多是()的,其材料的选用是压力容器的一个关键的问题。 钢制。 木制。 塑料。 橡胶。 满堂脚手架搭设高度超过12m时,在脚手架的周边和内部纵向、横向间隔不超过()m应设置连续竖向剪刀撑。



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