

[问答题] 教育命题要获得意义性,要注意哪些问题?

煤矿安全监察机构审查煤矿建设工程安全设施设计,应当自收到申请审查的设计资料之日起()日内审查完毕,签署同意或者不同意的意见,并书面答复。 ["5","7","30"] “天作孽,犹可违;自作孽,不可逭”,出自()。 ["《诗经》","《论语》","《尚书?太甲》","《孟子》"] 基坑采用钢筋混凝土内支撑时,对长度大于()米的钢筋混凝土内支撑的混凝土应分析其收缩及温差变化引起的热胀冷缩。 ["50","60","100","80"] 流量连续性方程是()在流体力学中的表达形式。 ["能量守恒定律","动量定理","质量守恒定律","其他"] You create a master page named Template.master. Template.master contains the following ContentPlaceHolder server controls.You also create 10 Web Forms. The Web Forms reference Template.master as their master page. Each Web Form has the following Content controls that correspond to the ContentPlaceHolder controls in Template.master.You need to configure the Web pages so that default content will be shown in the area2 ContentPlaceHolder control whenever a Web Form does not provide that content. What should you do? () [" Move default content inside area2 in Template.master. Remove area2 from Web Forms that do not provide content."," Move default content inside area2 in Template.master. Leave area2 blank in Web Forms that do not provide content."," Move default content inside area2 in the Web Forms. Remove area2 from Template.master."," Create an additional ContentPlaceHolder control in Template.master named area2_default. Place default content inside area2_default. Remove area2 from Web Forms that do not provide content."] 教育命题要获得意义性,要注意哪些问题?



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