

[单选] A basic TCP/IP configuration on the system has just been completed. A remote system can be pinged by IP address but not by hostname. Which of the following actions should be performed next in an effort to successfully ping using the hostname?()

A . Check routing
B . Check inetd.conf
C . Check /etc/resolv.conf
D . Check interface with ifconfig

Companycom wants to buy a new p5 570 running AIX 5.3. The applications require 4 processors and 8GB of memory. There is a requirement to have a Virtual IO Server. What is the smallest p5 570 that should be sold to this customer?() 4 processors 8GB of memory。 5 processors 8GB of memory。 4 processors 10GB of memory。 5 processors 10GB of memory。 根据财政部2002年1月1日公布的《国有资产评估管理若干问题的规定》,占有单位有()行为的,可以不进行资产评估。 以非货币资产对外投资。 整体或部分改建为有限责任公司或者股份有限公司。 行政事业单位下属的独资企业之间的资产转让。 确定涉讼资产价值。 Which command should be used to reset a failed login count?() chsec。 chusr。 passwd。 chgusrprf。 下列哪些行为不应认定为过失致人死亡罪?() 甲遭受乙正在进行的不法侵害,在防卫过程中一棒将乙打倒,致乙脑部受伤死亡。 甲对乙进行非法拘禁,在拘禁过程中,因长时间捆绑,致乙呼吸不畅窒息死亡。 甲因对女儿乙的恋爱对象丙不满意,阻止乙、丙正常交往,乙对此十分不满,并偷偷与丙登记结婚,甲获知后对乙进行打骂,逼其离婚。乙、丙不从,遂相约自杀而亡。 甲结婚以后,对丈夫与其前妻所生之子乙十分不满,采取冻饿等方式进行虐待,后又发展到打骂,致乙多处伤口腐烂,乙因未能及时救治而不幸身亡。 Defining an HACMP cluster using the Initialization and Standard Configuration menu is limited to the use of:()    IPAT via IP aliasing。  Custom Resource Groups。  Heartbeating over IP Aliases。  Concurrent Capable Volume Grou。 A basic TCP/IP configuration on the system has just been completed. A remote system can be pinged by IP address but not by hostname. Which of the following actions should be performed next in an effort to successfully ping using the hostname?()



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