

[单选] A consulting firm is locating 30 consultants at a client site for a nine-month project. What need does the firm have that can be met by a wireless solution? ()

A . Ensuring secure presentations
B . Augmenting an existing network
C . Providing a temporary network need
D . Having freedom of movement within a network range

水平角就是()的投影。 12V30Ah(2hr)的含义。 在市场经济时代,企业关注的焦点逐渐由过去关注客户转移到关注产品上来。 胎儿胎盘 当实用堰水头H大于设计水头Hd时,其流量系数m与设计流量系数md的关系是()。 m=md。 m>md。 m<md。 不能确定。 A consulting firm is locating 30 consultants at a client site for a nine-month project. What need does the firm have that can be met by a wireless solution? ()



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